Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Hopeless Romantic

Her story was one of fear and courage
Her voice soft as thunder
Her eyes bright as anthracite

To her, the world was large and full of mystery 
To him, it was simple and fixed 
But it all happened too quickly 

The seasons changed and all became cold
She seemed distant and removed 
And it was then that he realized 

That she had been his world 
Everything seemed cruel and wrong 
As if she had taken away all that was pure and light 

In the darkness he remained 
Every word he said felt strained 
For he lost all that he could have obtained

Friday, 15 November 2013

The Book

I came across an interesting question yesterday and thought I'd share.

"There's a book in front of you that contains all the bad things that anyone has ever said about you behind your back, would you read it?" 

Personally, I think I would read it.

Firstly, I would be genuinely curious about what people think of me and say about me when I'm not around. Some people think it doesn't matter what other people say about you, and the only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. Though that is true, it's how other people treat you which molds you into the individual that you are. To have the respect and trust of the people around you, is one of the most important things in life.

Secondly, I would be curious to who is real and who is fake. What you say and do is a direct reflection of your character. You should have the decency to keep your negative opinion to yourself, and the self-respect not say it behind the person's back.

Though reading the book would be interesting, you have to be able to accept your flaws, even if others don't. You have to realize that you're perfect just the way you are (as cheesy as that sounds). You have to respect their opinion,they're entitled to be wrong ;)

Friday, 1 November 2013


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Everyone has the right to voice that opinion.

But if you expect people to respect your opinion-- even if they don't necessarily agree-- you should be able to respect others opinions as well.

I don't understand how people can be so close-minded. How can people always think that they're correct? How can they not handle even hearing someone else's opinion?

Different cultures, religions, languages, clothing and values. We are all different. And those who cannot accept that, are the people who start fights, wars and give a bad name to their entire culture.

When people ask, "What's so special about Christmas anyway?", "Um...why are you praying to those idols?", "Why would you want to starve yourself for a month?", "Why are you forced to cover your head with that turban?" "Why do you have that weird cap thing on the middle of your head?"

WHO CARES?! Why are you so concerned with what the entire world is doing? Why can't you just accept that certain people have different beliefs? If someone assumes something about you based on stereotypes, you don't like it, right? So what makes you think that it's alright for you to be condescending and put others down?

People need to grow up and learn that they're not always right. People need to grow up and learn to value the opinions of others. People need to grow up and stop being ignorant. 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Dr. Who.... Took Advantage of me?

It's wrong to use people. To take advantage of them. To knowingly do something that will cause another person pain.

But, some of us do it anyways. And our reason for it? "Why not?", "It's fun.", "They asked for it!"
Though in some cases, those may be legitimate answers, you're most likely just saying it because you feeling guilty and you know you've done something wrong. So, stop trying to justify what you know is wrong, with lies, and just do the right thing.

What if you don't know what the "right" thing is though? Right for who? You or the other person? Why do you always have to be the one to make the sacrifice, to be the "better person"? What if, just this once, you decided that you would do whatever you wanted, regardless of it's consequence on you, or anyone else?

In all honesty, you would probably feel amazing, free and finally feel accomplished in a way that you never thought was possible. But after that high is gone, after the moment has passed, you'll realize what you've done. And at that point, you won't be able to return to that high and you will never escape from the regret.

Now you're stuck. Deciding between the thing you want to do, and the thing that you should do.But why can't those two be the same thing? Why can't you pick both those options? If you focus on the benefits of the 'right' option, it may turn out to be the exact thing you wanted in the first place.

So, go ahead pick her, him, this, that or it. Just make sure it's what you really want. But if you're gonna do something, give it your best effort, dedication and commitment. Because in the end, a half-ass job is just as good as not trying.

Saturday, 12 October 2013


I think you would be proud of who I've become.

I think you would be proud of things that I've achieved.

I think you would give me that smile as you watched me walk across the stage at my high school graduation.You would hug me after and say how you were happy to be there, and we would take pictures.
Everyone would be together, everything would be perfect.

But just as you missed my first day of Junior Kindergarten, you will miss my last day of High School.

Nothing will ever be the same without you. Family weddings and dinners are never complete without your laughter. You were the one who brought everyone together.

I cried a lot after you left. But mama told me that you would be upset if I cried and that it would hurt your feelings. And that if I was happy, you would be happy. I stopped crying immediately. I would never want to hurt you.  Everytime after that day, whenever your name was mentioned and I felt like crying, I would remember what mama told me. And I would smile, just for you.

I'm so grateful that I had the chance to meet you. Though I was only a little kid, all the memories I have of you are wonderful.

I miss you. Love you always. 

Only one Option

You accept things the way they are. Whether you agree or not, you choose to continue. Because, you're just one person. What can you do to change the things happening at school ? at work? in the world?

Nothing. You don't think you can do anything.

Which is exactly why you never try.

But what if you knew that if you tried, and there was no way you could fail? What if you could attempt something without being afraid? You have no option but to succeed. Then what? What lengths would you go to to achieve your dreams?

We don't live in a perfect world, you won't always get what you want. But if people in the past didn't try, where would we be now?

Those who try are the ones who makes a difference, whether they fail or succeed.

The only failure in my eyes, is the one who doesn't try.

So, stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop just trying to talk big and SAY what you want, go out and DO it. 

Only then will you accomplish anything. Only then will you become the person that YOU want to be. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


I am one of those people who hates drama.
I don't have the patience, interest or time to deal with it.
People who like causing problems and spreading lies have no place in my life.

If you think that it's okay to start rumours, spread lies and sabotage friendships, you're seriously messed up and need to deal with your insecurities. No one needs a negative person in their lives.

The funny part is the person you are closest to has the power to hurt you most. The fact that they use that power against you, is just tragic.

Not only have they ruined any relationship or understanding you had with each other, but most likely, in the process of 'hating' you, they ruined your friendship with other people.

You may not have even known that something was wrong. But as usual, you're the one who makes the first step to resolve the problem. This involves having conversations you rather not have, and many tears.

Why can't people just live their life, and let everyone else live theirs?

Everyone has enough stress and problems to deal with, what kind of twisted person would just try to add to a struggle that already exists.

Is it worth spending time to fix this? You still love the person, but now you have to think about what they're really like. If they act like this once, what would make a second time any less likely?

But I am also one of those people who thinks forgiveness is a good thing.
This doesn't mean I'm wrong, but that i'm willing to move on.

It doesn't make what you did any less hurtful, it doesn't reduce the amount of time I spent thinking about the problem and it will never change what you did.

But we might be able to salvage what's left of our friendship. And you can feel bad for the rest of your life, knowing that you lost your best friend over a miscommunication. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

All the Right Steps

 (I couldn't miss the opportunity for a math pun)
Isn't it frustrating?

Everything just annoys you so much more. It's as if everything that could go wrong did. The smallest things cause you physical pain.

And by "small", I really do mean the most insignificant events.

When you erase something and those annoying little pieces get left on your paper, turning your already angry handwriting into something illegible.

When you have to keep sharpening your pencil because all the graphite (yes people--graphite--not lead) is broken inside.

When you're stuck on that one homework question for 3 hours, and you finally decide to ask for help and the person solves it within seconds.

When you thought your calculator was your cell phone and you tried to text, but all that showed up was "3948328"

Yes, these have all happened to me. And in case you didn't notice the pattern, they all have to do with homework. Specifically math homework.

Now, don't get me wrong. I actually really like math ( yes, i know. For those of you in shock that someone could actually use the words "like" and "math" in the same sentence, please take a break and go get a glass of water)

-- Hopefully you feel better now--

Anyway, it's as if time freezes. And not in a good way, like they show in movies. You know, when you see your 'one true love' and  it's 'just you two there'.  No, what I was going for was more of a dark, gloomy, stuck-in-an-abyss kind of frozen time.

But then the time comes when you finally understand. And there is really no better feeling in the world.

So, I will now return to my math homework. I wish all you fellow math-people that best of luck. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013


So, you should know something:

People think that everything must have an end goal. An ulterior motive, if you will.

But what if you just do something because it feels right at that very moment?
What if you have to make a sudden decision about something important?
What if you did something just because you love to do it?
What if you finally decide to do something for yourself and not to please others?

People don't read just so they can brag about it. They read so they can become part of a whole other world.

People don't wear clothes because they're trying to make you happy. They wear it because they feel confident in it.

People don't write to impress the world. They use it as an outlet to express themselves, get out their inner most thoughts in a creative way.

You may not like everything. And you don't have to. No one said you had to love every book, wear those Doc Martens or write to please the world.

No need to be boring and uptight, enjoy the things you like, and learn to look past the things you don't. Voice your opinion in a polite way, and try to have a social filter and know when it's better to leave things unsaid.

Most of all, don't let anyone tell you you're less than them. And when they do try to put you down -- don't worry, because...

People throw rocks at things that shine. 

Saturday, 7 September 2013


As I gaze into those hazel eyes, 
Everything seems to stop for just a moment;
I hang onto every word you say

As I gaze into those hazel eyes,
I know that I must be more patient,
But I absolutely hate when you're away

Only with you can such magic arise,
I wish you would realize,
As I gaze into your hazel eyes 

So much can be understood by one look. The eyes have the power to convey every emotion. 
In some cases, they're better at saying what you just can't put into words.

They can show confusion, passion,anger, curiosity, loneliness and love.

That one quick glance you steal of them, makes that moment worthwhile. 

Pay attention to those eyes, whether green, blue, hazel or brown. Each colour has a story to tell, so make sure you don't miss a moment. 

Friday, 6 September 2013


So, you're reading this amazing book. You're just a few pages into it, but it's already caught your attention.

You forget about everything that's going on around you, tune out all sounds and just imagine whats happening in the book. You can picture every scene, every conversation, every character and it's playing like a movie in your head.

You love that feeling don't you? Just being completely in the moment and relaxed?

Now imagine this :

The two characters in the book who you desperately want to 'ship' are having a conversation, and you just know that something amazing is about to happen...

Then someone comes and rips out the next three ages of your book. You'll never know how that conversation ended, and now you'll never be able to... because the person who ripped out the pages, took them away and read it themselves.

Now, they know exactly how that conversation ended, and they're not planning on letting you know.

Sucks, doesn't it?

There goes all hope you had for those two characters, you can't keep reading the book without those three pages, because those three pages could be where all the important events happened. You'd be lost and confused, and would no longer enjoy your book as much.

You can't even ask for those three pages back, because those tears in your books can never be fixed, it just wouldn't be the same.

So, now you've been brought back to reality. And let's face it, it's never going to be as good as that book you were reading....

Saturday, 31 August 2013


You're really confident, speak your mind (without being rude....sometimes) and participate in conversations, even if you don't know the person.

Then you suddenly feel like distancing yourself from everyone. You just want to shut out every single person.

You just want to focus on you. You've realized all the time you spent on others, doing favours for them cause you felt bad saying no, taking time away from your own work to explain something to that kid in the back who was confused and basically just doing a whole bunch of things without ever asking for anything in return, you just did them because you wanted to help.

But you know what happened when you needed help? That day you forgot your pencil, and needed to borrow one? When you actually asked for help and got told to wait cause they were "busy"?

No one had a pencil to lend. Time to waste on you. Nothing.

So, now you're left choosing between the good person you are, and the person you have to work hard to become.

I say forget them all. It's your turn. And it's about damn time. Now they'll realize what they had.

Too little too late.

You've got to admit it's pretty exciting. You finally can say 'no' and not feel bad. Tell them to wait, cause you're busy now. It's also a little scary, you'll feel like you have no one to talk to, as if you've let people down. But trust me, they'd do the same thing in your position, and they'd be much worse. There's nothing wrong with wanting the best for yourself. It's not selfish, it's smart. There's a difference, and I'm really glad that we've finally been able to choose which one we'd like to be. 

Here's to a kick-butt year, and many many more to come. 

Friday, 30 August 2013

The Return

So, things were pretty weird, but that always happens when things change.

But now something different is going to happen.

New beginnings, new conversations, new people, new friends (because let's be honest, some of the other ones just didn't cut it) and best of all new 'first times'.

So you absolutely love the movie '500 Days of Summer' (which btw, if you haven't seen yet --you should), or the first conversation you had with your crush.

You've probably watched 500 Days of Summer more than 50 times, and talked to your crush a couple dozen times as well. But remember the very first time you got to do those things?

That rush of excitement you got from asking your crush questions and getting to know them, and not knowing what Joseph Gordon Levitt was going to do next in the movie?

You can never re-do that first time, but you can always have new first times.

That's why it's really nice when you meet a person you haven't seen in awhile, there's so much to talk about and learn. And when you meet completely new people, and possibly have the chance to re-invent yourself, you could be the shy, crazy, spontaneous or outgoing version of yourself. It's all up to you!

It's a fresh new start, and I'm pretty excited about it (and also a little nervous). But what's a new experience without a little taste of the unknown? 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Take Care

You never really thought of what it would be like without the person. Mostly because you didn't feel the need to think about them ever leaving, it was assumed they'd pretty much always be there.

But then you did have to think about it.

Sure, you were given notice a few months before. That would obviously be enough to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for it.

You were wrong. 

There's no amount of time that could've prepared you. There are no words that could have been said to make it all better. There is no limit to the amount of hours you talk to the person that will make it any easier.

It's kind of like losing a piece of your life. A part that was pretty darn awesome.

And without that part of your life, you feel incredibly alone.

You wish them the best in everything they do, everything they will encounter in the future, a future without you.

Maybe it's a good thing, it's a test of your friendship. It'll just become stronger.

Having no idea how to say those last good-byes, good nights or see you soon's you just cry. That pretty much sums up everything you're feeling.

And then the very last thing that's said, 'take care!' . And you break down again.

You'll make it through it, don't worry.
It's just another adventure in the story. And the characters in this story will inevitably have to meet again.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


There was a place for everything, and everything was in its place.

When you needed something from the kitchen, you knew exactly where it was (or you trashed the place looking for that favourite mug you use for your know, that clear glass one).

When you wanted to get away from the awful homework, you could go into your family room, relax on your lovely black leather sofas and play Wii.

When you needed to escape from those family-friends who had weird kids, you could escape to the safety of your room and read those books you love so much ( Harry Potter and such).

But then the news came. It didn't exactly take you by surprise, because you had become so used to it. But it still hurt a little.

All those times looking for that mug, playing Wii with friends (and losing .... sometimes ;) and hiding from
un-welcome guests are just memories, of a now empty house.

Instead of your mug's home, its become the hallow domain of the dish-washer.

Instead of your living room, it's a 'lovely area to spend time with friends and family' (as the awful person who made money off it said....I'm telling you, they could've easily been 'taken care' of).

The Harry Potter books, photos, yearbooks, Wii console, tv and couches have all disappeared.

It's no longer my home, it's simply another house on the street.


You have no idea how much you'll be missed. From people you've only met once to people you talk to everyday, even those psychotic people you didn't like so much will feel empty for awhile (I mean who else will the leeches attack?)

P.S. -- I hate Alaska, just saying.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

The Right-Hand Corner

The small things. The big things. Important things. Insignificant details.

They all matter.
Some more than others....but without each of  them the picture would be incomplete.

Some people prefer to look at the bigger picture, others prefer to notice the small right-hand corner of the picture (you know what I mean).

Then there are those who like a little of both. They like to focus on that little right hand corner, so that when they finally decide to step back and see the entire thing, each and every inch is exactly how they want it to be.

Those little details are pretty important in every aspect of life:

That first look you get from your crush
Your first kiss
When your friend genuinely remembers your birthday (without having to check facebook)
When that same friend stays up until midnight to wish you happy birthday
When a stranger compliments the blouse you're wearing, they have nothing to gain from you, but are just nice
When your boyfriend leaves a rose in your locker for your 'monthaversary' or just 'cause

They may seem like the smallest thing at the time, but they're exactly what you're going to remember in a few years. Even the bad things that happen to you will seem unimportant. For every bad hair day, break-up or lost championship game you have over 100 amazing things to appreciate.

Pay attention to what happens around you and what people say to you.
You never know when you might miss something important, and once you do, you may not get that opportunity again.

Monday, 12 August 2013


They bite and they suck your blood. 
Okay, she doesn't suck blood. But she might as well, cause she's sucking the life out of me. 

Back-stabbing, two-faced, emotionally draining and just plain annoying. 
Why do they even exist? They serve no greater purpose in life and are just pests. 

Also, leeches are hermaphrodites. Which is both a fun fact and explains the constant confusion between the choice of partner. 

As if biting and taking your blood wasn't enough, some also actually eat other invertebrates that are smaller than them, swallowing them whole. They think they're bigger and better than others, that they can do whatever the hell they like and no one can stop them. They attack those who they believe to be less powerful. But once you decide that you've had enough, treat that leech the same way they treat you and just watch and see how fast they drop dead.  

They're also content feed off decomposing bodies. So, even when you think there's nothing left and it couldn't possibly get any worse-- the leech proves you wrong. 

Now, the leech may not be the villain in this story. The amount of blood they take, which usually isn't a lot, is harmless. But imagine the same leech constantly coming back for more. Little by little, feeding off you. Taking a small piece of you every time. The amount they take from you cannot be observed from the outward appearance, but it does take a toll deep within.

The leech thinks it knows everything and everyone. It believes it can never be wrong. But what it doesn't know is that it's not even close to knowing the person or the truth. You try to be straight forward with the leech? Tell it to leave you alone? But, why would the leech listen? I mean, it apparently knows you better than you know yourself. It thinks you want --no-- need it. But the truth is, your life would be so much better without this leech. Without its constant pestering, questioning and feeding off you.

No one needs a leech in their life. So, you all know how to get a leech off you.

Burn that sucker. Make it squirm. 

Saturday, 10 August 2013

What ifs and Whys

There are those who wonder, question and try to find answers.

Then there are those who could care less and don't even acknowledge a problem.

You would think the second type of people have a much easier, stress-free life and must be happier. And yes-- you may be right. They may have never even thought that there was something they didn't know or should know.

But, the second type of people are also the ones left with the 'what ifs' and 'whys' that will bother them later on.

When a girl gets dumped or rejected by a guy, she thinks there's something wrong with her. She think she's not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough and will try to find a flaw in everything she does and how she looks. She feels that she must have done something wrong to make the guy not want to be with her.

When a guy gets rejected he thinks there's something wrong with the girl who  rejected him. He assumes she's the "bitch" who just wants to date "an asshole" or "bad boy". Never for one second does he think that he may have done something wrong, or said something to hurt her. He doesn't reflect on himself and automatically goes and assumes it was her fault.

So boys, before you go and pull something stupid like that, think about what you did.

Sure, maybe she wasn't the right girl and you were perfectly nice to her. In that case, you deserve to know why she broke up with you. She owes you an explanation.
You really liked this girl, and felt like everything was perfect and then BAM. I understand that you may need some time, and that's fine. But a time will come when you're comfortable enough to ask her, and you should do exactly that.

If you did do something, you should apologize; because that girl will keep thinking about it everyday, all the time, trying to figure out why she wasn't good enough for you.

Friday, 9 August 2013

The Crazy Obsessive Freak

*Read the following assuming you're not a crazy obsessive freak*

As far as you're concerned, he's yours. He may not know it himself, but it's true.

Everything about him is perfect to you. But then again, love is blind.

The way his hair is imperfect, his clothes ( which look effortlessly put together, but still sexy), his voice, smile, laugh. You notice it all. Every single thing.

The only fault is that you're not with him. Oh, and one more thing. She is.

She's just about the worst thing that could have happened to you
Forget Elizabeth Taylor, this girl should have played the shrew
Her voice, makes you want to shoot the nearest passerby
If she left, you would be the first to say goodbye

Now, she may not be a horrible person
But if she doesn't get the hell out of your way, let's just say she'll get a 'condition' that'll only worsen
This is your chance to get creative! A 'fall' down the stairs, 'tripping' through the 3rd floor window
Not to call people names, but even your friends agreed, she's a hoe

Just a small poem to help him realize
If he doesn't choose you, someone in this story dies
You're not a crazy obsessive freak
You just have many personalities, like Mystique

Saturday, 3 August 2013

The Art of Texting - A Guide

'Why does there need to be a "guide" for texting?', you ask.

It's there to make your life less complicated and save you from those awkward pauses that occur when you're talking on the phone.

Texting gives you time to think, edit and then reply. It saves you from sounding like an idiot (depending on how well your 'think' and 'edit' steps went of course -- which is where this guide comes in).

Now, when texting family (mom, dad, brother, sister) it really doesn't matter if you make a horrible typo or send something your weren't supposed to ( this all depends on how close you are with your fam, so don't be sending nasty pictures, please.)

Girls, when texting your best friend you two can say anything, and usually speak in fragments or HUGE paragraphs. When texting your guy friend....don't. They hate typing because they're lazy. And whatever you type and send will be completely ignored (if there is an option to skype, just do that). When that option is not available, they're usually quite good with replying.

Boys, when texting your "bro"....oh wait, you guys don't (unless talking about a party with food and hot girls).

Now the important part:

When talking to your crush. You should be used to how that person "writes" and "sounds" when they're in a normal mood, so it'll be easy to notice any chances.

"Okayyyyy", "Okaay/Okayy", "Okay/Kay", "Ok", "Ok.", "K", "K."
( In descending order from 'super happy' to 'get your life together, you messed up bad')

"LMFAOOOO", "LMAO", "lmao/LOL", "Lol", "lawl", "lel/ llo" (typos), "haha/hehe", "Ok lol"
(In descending order from "DAMN you were funny" to "stop talking, i hate you and you will never be funny")

If emoticons are usually used a lot and suddenly stop, something is wrong.
If emoticons are usually never used and suddenly start, they either love you now or are highly drunk (good luck figuring out which one).

If the crush sends you an "Okay", or a "Sure" or any other lame one word answer, then don't reply. You can't reply, and if you send anything to try to keep the conversation going, it'll make it really obvious you like them (unless that's what you're going for, then go for it).
If they want to keep talking to you, they'll say something else.

Last point, please edit (especially if you have autocorrect), you wouldn't want to be the sad sad person who accidently sent his crush "I'm going to take a whore" or "Penis Butter", instead of "I'm going to take a shower" and "Peanut Butter", right?
No one would want to be that guy.

Happy Texting xD

Skittles and Things

Thought I should put in an "image" (a completely original idea of course)

Anyone else like skittles? But not those purple ones. "Grape flavoured"....yeah right. More like "Death Flavoured".  But the red and orange ones are pretty awesome.

These small likes and dislikes are what make you unique. These are those little conversation starters. Okay, maybe "skittles" are not the best way to introduce yourself, but you get the idea. 

But how about the smell outside after it rains?
Perfect Silence?
Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to solve serious life problems?
Getting that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube?
Being the first person in the lane to go at a green light?
Popping Bubble Wrap? 
Jumping into the pool on a hot summer day?
Getting that multiple choice question right, even though you just picked "C" because "it's always the right answer" ?
Eating McDonald's soft serve ice cream with french fries?
Standing outside in the rain?

These simple little habits are what you remember when you're older. What you share with people when they ask what you did today. 

These are the memories you will have forever.
So don't forget to acknowledge them once in awhile, because --even if it's just for a second-- you'll smile. 

Thursday, 1 August 2013


It spreads to everyone.
They all seem so addicted.

And though you may not want to admit it, you're addicted at times too.

But it's just so difficult to stay away from it all. It seems like it's everywhere. Even if you try to get away from it, it seems to come to you.

Rumours. Lies. Altered Stories. Assumptions. Stereotypes. 

We are all guilty of a few, or even, all of the above. 

This doesn't mean you're a bad person or want to maliciously ruin lives. But these things have just become part of our society. We have grown up with them and as awful as it sounds, we've become used to them.

Whether you're the one who starts the rumour, helps to spread it or just happens to overhear it, you've now become part of the situation.

But you can still choose what you do with this information. 
If you started the rumour, have the decency to apologize, don't be a coward. 
If you purposefully went and told 7 people who you knew would tell everyone, then you're no better than the person who started the rumour. But there is a difference between telling someone in order to receive advice or just so you feel better. It can be emotionally draining when people tell you all their problems, or something that happened, and it's fair for you to have an outlet. Make sure it's someone who you can trust.

No one is perfect. You have been part of this problem in the past, and may have to deal with it again in the future. But once you make the decision to act appropriately, it will make a difference. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Deep Within

I mean this in the nicest way of course, but:

I would love to yell and tell you all the awful things you've ever done that bother me and all the annoying things you've ever said and all the stupid comments that you've made, make you feel terrible for the times I've cried because of you, and make you realize that just because I was quiet doesn't mean it didn't hurt. (Meant to be read in one breath, in a slightly pissed off voice)

Now, there's a difference between being polite, quiet and shy. Then there's just being passive and not being able to stand up for yourself. 

Yes, there are strangers who might piss you off, there are those secondary people who may make the occasional comment (you generally don't care about this, because they're freakin' secondary anyway). 

Then there are the worst ones of all, the frenemie

You're really close with this person, and have moments where you feel like you could trust them with your life. But then there are times where you don't even know why you  put up with them. They make snarky comments, and the worst part is that they know exactly what your weak spot is, and they go for it.

Why do you even have this person in your life? Well, in all honesty anyone who makes you feel awful about yourself, and it goes past the point of a joke should not be in your life. You should surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, make you laugh and stick around when things get difficult. Those people are your real friends.

But sometimes, it's your own fault. You've stayed quiet for so long, they think it's okay and you don't care.

But it's time for you to defend yourself, fight back. Don't lose your friend, but never put your self-respect on the line. 

It's time to say what's deep within. 

Friday, 26 July 2013

The Butterfly and the Bee


You may have this flawed thought that it doesn't matter.

But your character, your nature, the way you interact with  family,friends and strangers is what makes you-- you. 

Your personality is what either defines you as a good or bad person, regardless of the way you look.

To be gentle, yet intense.
To be passive, yet confident.
To be quiet, yet bold.

To be graceful, yet powerful.

Those who have ambition, drive and determination are the most attractive.
Those who achieve their goals after hard-work are the most admirable.

But you have to believe. You have to believe that you are capable of anything. That you can become anything. You have to believe that impossible is nothing. 

It's never going to be easy. But if you want something bad enough, you'll work for it. It will no longer be a want, but a need.

Take risks, be courageous. Because a great man once said, "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." -M. Ali

Don't ever let someone tell you can't do something. 'Impossible' is not a declaration, it's a dare.
They may be able to take away your hope, but your knowledge is something that is with you forever.
You can never be over-educated, or 'too' successful.

"Float like a butterfly, 
                   Sting like a bee. 
His hands can't hit, 
                    what his eyes can't see." 

Thursday, 25 July 2013


No, sadly I have not yet had the chance to steal the top-secret recipe for the delicious drink. But as soon as I do, I'll make sure to post it here first.

But the question remains: To tell him, or not to tell him ?

There are two very good answers to this question, they are dependent on the situation though.

1. Yes, go for it!

You've known him for awhile and you've actually had legitimate conversations. As in, it went past the whole "hi, hi, sup, nm, cool" stage which we all hate with a passion. And by "know him", yeah knowing his name and favourite colour are not a bad start.
But please make sure he was also part of these "legitimate conversations" and willingly told you his name and favourite colour. Playing out conversations in your mind and assuming his favourite colour is dark green because he wore that shirt last Tuesday is a sign that you're delusional.
Now, we've established that he must know you exist. After that, all you need to know is if he feels that same way.

Impossible you say? No, not at all. Makes you want to cry and run away to Mali? Yeah, sure.
Yes, you might be nervous. But remember, he's just as nervous.

What? Guys don't get nervous, that's ridiculous!

Yes girls, he's feeling the exact same way. But just may be better at hiding it from you.
If you both feel the same way about each other, there's really no good reason for you not to be together.

2. No, stop now. You're drunk. Go home. 

Really, it's that simple. Just stop and don't say anything.

But you love him you say? He opened the door for you that day when you were about to go through it? You were too busy staring into his eyes and walked into that stupid fire hydrant and he asked you if you were okay?

You don't love him, he probably doesn't even know your last name.
Yes, it's common courtesy to open the door for someone behind you.
He doesn't want to be a witness to your "death by hydrant", so please just watch where you're going.

There's a very good chance that you're just obsessed. I suggest you slow down, maybe it'll work out if you haven't already asked him out 17 times, know his sister's middle name and memorized his schedule.
I wish you the best of luck.


Refreshing and pure,
cleansing and powerful
It's simply delightful,
with a certain allure

Angry and cold,
dark and dismal
It comes and goes, giving the impression of being artificial
But at the same time, is incredibly bold

It leaves you confused, yet still wanting more.
It becomes essential to your life, yet taints every aspect of it.

You attempt to ignore it, but are left empty without it's presence.
You give into temptation because you realize,

Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Equator and another Invisible Line

Continuing from my post about "Guy Friends":

Much like the equator, there is another invisible line. This line may not be crossed (only under certain circumstances). If crossed, things will become a hot mess.

He's your best friend, you basically tell him everything. Sometimes things you can't even tell your best friend, Aria. She would just be too judgmental and probably make the situation worse.

But there is a very fine line between what you do with your guy friend and what you do with your boyfriend.

And once you cross that line, there's really no going back.

Yes, it's true, many people say the person you're with should also be your best friend. But it's a terrible idea to take this literally. Yeah, you should be comfortable with your boyfriend and be able to confide in him.

But with a boyfriend there are certain expectations.
For one, you might want to actually look like a girl and not always be in "sweat pants, hair tied chillin' with no make-up on". Let's be honest, that's really not when you're the "prettiest".

With your guy friend? Well who cares what you look like, even if he says something. You'll completely ignore him, or remember what he said and use it against him later -- it's your choice.

But please don't expect to be treated like a girlfriend, if you're really not his girlfriend. No matter how amazing that imaginary relationship you have going on inside your head is. He doesn't know about it, and it should stay that way. Or you'll automatically be knocked down on the hotness scale, as it is directly proportional to the crazy scale.


The fear of being imperfect.
The fear of not doing something right.
The fear of never being good enough.

A mental illness. Due to people striving to reach perfection. A "perfection" that simply does not exist.

You blame yourself when he doesn't like you back. You blame yourself that he likes your best friend more than you.

Ugly. Boring. Plain. Unwanted.

Why would you feel all this? Just because some guy doesn't know you exist?
No--wait. He's not just "some guy", he's the guy. And it's frustrating that you're not his girl.

Multiple attempts to get him to notice you.
You found out his favourite book? You immediately read it.
He loves sushi? Well, you've hated seafood since you were 5, but you'll try it again, just for him.

Reading those love quotes that seem to perfectly describe your feelings:

"I think of you in colours that don't exist."
"You don't understand, there's isn't one person in this world that I want more than I want you."

How could someone you're giving this much attention to, not like you back?
Well, he doesn't. And you have to accept that.
You can't change it, nor should you try to.

Don't change yourself for anyone (unless you're like crazy or have a unibrow, gotta deal with that bro).

A Girl's Best Friend--No, not Diamonds.

Guy Friends enrich our lives in ways our female "BFFs" just can't. 

But think about it: 
It's a drama-free relationship that's low on expectations and high on fun. What's not to love?

Let's look at this from their perspective:

Pro: Girls make the best wingman- 

He needs to know what to say to the girl he likes. Or even, how to let the poor girl he doesn't really like down nicely. (Please help him with the second one, or as a guy he'll be as blunt as possible and most likely crush that girl's heart.)

But that very fault has its bright side as well. The ability of a guy to get straight to the point is incredibly helpful for when a girl asks for help. 
A girl said something that pissed you off? His answer: "she a bitch" 
Makes you feel a whole lot better when someone else joins in on your dislike towards this individual, doesn't it? 

Pro: A free look into the female mind-

"Why the hell do you girls shop so much?" he asks.
 "No, wtf I am not going into Forever 21, that's so gay." he declares.
"You are basically a guy to me." he states.

And he receives a reply to each of of these three amazing sentences. Without the cost of having a girlfriend break up with him. Lucky guy.

And he's always available to return the favour. The guy you like did or said something that you will never understand, no matter how much you and your best friend Annabelle look into it. But your guy friend? He's got your answer in less than 10-words (because God forbid he ever send a long reply to the paragraph you just sent him). 

But overall, he's a pretty amazing person. I mean who else is gonna put up with you at 2 in the morning? 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The Late Crocodile


Naturally, I would need to reply to this "EarlyOwl". Thinks he has women, girls, "Lassies" (as they're also referred to as) all figured out.

But does he really know?

Know how to get the girl? (Not that she is a prize that can be played for and won)

Know how to get that girl's attention?

Know how to put a smile on her face, or to make her laugh?

Well, maybe he does. Who am I to judge?

But more importantly, do girls know anything about how to get the guy? They seem like the most complicated, confusing, oblivious and frustrating beings. But actually, they are quite simple, un-dramatic and at times-- very understanding. Oh, and girls, they notice everything.

You bought a new red shirt cuz you know it;s your boyfriend's favourite colour on you. You go out for a movie, expecting him to comment: "you look beautiful", "oh, nice shirt". But what does he say instead?

Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.

Do not fear. He noticed your red shirt. He knows that you were looking amazing. He just chose not to say anything. But will most likely tell one of his guy friends that you were looking hot, or his best friend who is a girl (also known as his "adviser" and/or "analyzer"....I would advise you to be best friends with her. She doesn't want her guy friend hanging out with "Bugs" and "Tentacles", or whatever your hidden nickname may be. Trust me, you'll definitely have one. You have the power to decide whether it has a good or bad connotation).

Now, if you're still at the "trying to get him" stage, please never ever obsess over him. Guys hate "clingy" as much as they hate when you're talking about some irrelevant problem in your life (You'll usually get a "haha ok lol" at this point in the conversation). If you give him too much importance, they think you're a psycho-freak and will do everything in their power to avoid talking to you.
At the same time don't ignore them, they'll think you're that "ratchet-hoe who don't care".

But, that is enough to absorb for one day.
I wish you all luck, these "men" will one day be figured out ...until then, they'll be living by their "guy code".