Guy Friends enrich our lives in ways our female "BFFs" just can't.
But think about it:
It's a drama-free relationship that's low on expectations and high on fun. What's not to love?
Let's look at this from their perspective:
Pro: Girls make the best wingman-
He needs to know what to say to the girl he likes. Or even, how to let the poor girl he doesn't really like down nicely. (Please help him with the second one, or as a guy he'll be as blunt as possible and most likely crush that girl's heart.)
But that very fault has its bright side as well. The ability of a guy to get straight to the point is incredibly helpful for when a girl asks for help.
A girl said something that pissed you off? His answer: "she a bitch"
Makes you feel a whole lot better when someone else joins in on your dislike towards this individual, doesn't it?
Pro: A free look into the female mind-
"Why the hell do you girls shop so much?" he asks.
"No, wtf I am not going into Forever 21, that's so gay." he declares.
"You are basically a guy to me." he states.
And he receives a reply to each of of these three amazing sentences. Without the cost of having a girlfriend break up with him. Lucky guy.
And he's always available to return the favour. The guy you like did or said something that you will never understand, no matter how much you and your best friend Annabelle look into it. But your guy friend? He's got your answer in less than 10-words (because God forbid he ever send a long reply to the paragraph you just sent him).
But overall, he's a pretty amazing person. I mean who else is gonna put up with you at 2 in the morning?
Fuck yeah