Saturday, 10 August 2013

What ifs and Whys

There are those who wonder, question and try to find answers.

Then there are those who could care less and don't even acknowledge a problem.

You would think the second type of people have a much easier, stress-free life and must be happier. And yes-- you may be right. They may have never even thought that there was something they didn't know or should know.

But, the second type of people are also the ones left with the 'what ifs' and 'whys' that will bother them later on.

When a girl gets dumped or rejected by a guy, she thinks there's something wrong with her. She think she's not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough and will try to find a flaw in everything she does and how she looks. She feels that she must have done something wrong to make the guy not want to be with her.

When a guy gets rejected he thinks there's something wrong with the girl who  rejected him. He assumes she's the "bitch" who just wants to date "an asshole" or "bad boy". Never for one second does he think that he may have done something wrong, or said something to hurt her. He doesn't reflect on himself and automatically goes and assumes it was her fault.

So boys, before you go and pull something stupid like that, think about what you did.

Sure, maybe she wasn't the right girl and you were perfectly nice to her. In that case, you deserve to know why she broke up with you. She owes you an explanation.
You really liked this girl, and felt like everything was perfect and then BAM. I understand that you may need some time, and that's fine. But a time will come when you're comfortable enough to ask her, and you should do exactly that.

If you did do something, you should apologize; because that girl will keep thinking about it everyday, all the time, trying to figure out why she wasn't good enough for you.

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