Saturday 7 September 2013


As I gaze into those hazel eyes, 
Everything seems to stop for just a moment;
I hang onto every word you say

As I gaze into those hazel eyes,
I know that I must be more patient,
But I absolutely hate when you're away

Only with you can such magic arise,
I wish you would realize,
As I gaze into your hazel eyes 

So much can be understood by one look. The eyes have the power to convey every emotion. 
In some cases, they're better at saying what you just can't put into words.

They can show confusion, passion,anger, curiosity, loneliness and love.

That one quick glance you steal of them, makes that moment worthwhile. 

Pay attention to those eyes, whether green, blue, hazel or brown. Each colour has a story to tell, so make sure you don't miss a moment. 

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