Saturday 22 February 2014


She stands there quietly
as if lost
by her own mind
She thinks before she speaks
of the consequences
of others around her
but never

Her small acts of kindness go
like the dew on the petals of a flower after it rains
the earth
She remains silent
That someone will notice

The day her silence is
given importance
a chance
to receive instead of give

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Hopeless Romantic

Her story was one of fear and courage
Her voice soft as thunder
Her eyes bright as anthracite

To her, the world was large and full of mystery 
To him, it was simple and fixed 
But it all happened too quickly 

The seasons changed and all became cold
She seemed distant and removed 
And it was then that he realized 

That she had been his world 
Everything seemed cruel and wrong 
As if she had taken away all that was pure and light 

In the darkness he remained 
Every word he said felt strained 
For he lost all that he could have obtained

Friday 15 November 2013

The Book

I came across an interesting question yesterday and thought I'd share.

"There's a book in front of you that contains all the bad things that anyone has ever said about you behind your back, would you read it?" 

Personally, I think I would read it.

Firstly, I would be genuinely curious about what people think of me and say about me when I'm not around. Some people think it doesn't matter what other people say about you, and the only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. Though that is true, it's how other people treat you which molds you into the individual that you are. To have the respect and trust of the people around you, is one of the most important things in life.

Secondly, I would be curious to who is real and who is fake. What you say and do is a direct reflection of your character. You should have the decency to keep your negative opinion to yourself, and the self-respect not say it behind the person's back.

Though reading the book would be interesting, you have to be able to accept your flaws, even if others don't. You have to realize that you're perfect just the way you are (as cheesy as that sounds). You have to respect their opinion,they're entitled to be wrong ;)

Friday 1 November 2013


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Everyone has the right to voice that opinion.

But if you expect people to respect your opinion-- even if they don't necessarily agree-- you should be able to respect others opinions as well.

I don't understand how people can be so close-minded. How can people always think that they're correct? How can they not handle even hearing someone else's opinion?

Different cultures, religions, languages, clothing and values. We are all different. And those who cannot accept that, are the people who start fights, wars and give a bad name to their entire culture.

When people ask, "What's so special about Christmas anyway?", "Um...why are you praying to those idols?", "Why would you want to starve yourself for a month?", "Why are you forced to cover your head with that turban?" "Why do you have that weird cap thing on the middle of your head?"

WHO CARES?! Why are you so concerned with what the entire world is doing? Why can't you just accept that certain people have different beliefs? If someone assumes something about you based on stereotypes, you don't like it, right? So what makes you think that it's alright for you to be condescending and put others down?

People need to grow up and learn that they're not always right. People need to grow up and learn to value the opinions of others. People need to grow up and stop being ignorant. 

Sunday 13 October 2013

Dr. Who.... Took Advantage of me?

It's wrong to use people. To take advantage of them. To knowingly do something that will cause another person pain.

But, some of us do it anyways. And our reason for it? "Why not?", "It's fun.", "They asked for it!"
Though in some cases, those may be legitimate answers, you're most likely just saying it because you feeling guilty and you know you've done something wrong. So, stop trying to justify what you know is wrong, with lies, and just do the right thing.

What if you don't know what the "right" thing is though? Right for who? You or the other person? Why do you always have to be the one to make the sacrifice, to be the "better person"? What if, just this once, you decided that you would do whatever you wanted, regardless of it's consequence on you, or anyone else?

In all honesty, you would probably feel amazing, free and finally feel accomplished in a way that you never thought was possible. But after that high is gone, after the moment has passed, you'll realize what you've done. And at that point, you won't be able to return to that high and you will never escape from the regret.

Now you're stuck. Deciding between the thing you want to do, and the thing that you should do.But why can't those two be the same thing? Why can't you pick both those options? If you focus on the benefits of the 'right' option, it may turn out to be the exact thing you wanted in the first place.

So, go ahead pick her, him, this, that or it. Just make sure it's what you really want. But if you're gonna do something, give it your best effort, dedication and commitment. Because in the end, a half-ass job is just as good as not trying.

Saturday 12 October 2013


I think you would be proud of who I've become.

I think you would be proud of things that I've achieved.

I think you would give me that smile as you watched me walk across the stage at my high school graduation.You would hug me after and say how you were happy to be there, and we would take pictures.
Everyone would be together, everything would be perfect.

But just as you missed my first day of Junior Kindergarten, you will miss my last day of High School.

Nothing will ever be the same without you. Family weddings and dinners are never complete without your laughter. You were the one who brought everyone together.

I cried a lot after you left. But mama told me that you would be upset if I cried and that it would hurt your feelings. And that if I was happy, you would be happy. I stopped crying immediately. I would never want to hurt you.  Everytime after that day, whenever your name was mentioned and I felt like crying, I would remember what mama told me. And I would smile, just for you.

I'm so grateful that I had the chance to meet you. Though I was only a little kid, all the memories I have of you are wonderful.

I miss you. Love you always. 

Only one Option

You accept things the way they are. Whether you agree or not, you choose to continue. Because, you're just one person. What can you do to change the things happening at school ? at work? in the world?

Nothing. You don't think you can do anything.

Which is exactly why you never try.

But what if you knew that if you tried, and there was no way you could fail? What if you could attempt something without being afraid? You have no option but to succeed. Then what? What lengths would you go to to achieve your dreams?

We don't live in a perfect world, you won't always get what you want. But if people in the past didn't try, where would we be now?

Those who try are the ones who makes a difference, whether they fail or succeed.

The only failure in my eyes, is the one who doesn't try.

So, stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop just trying to talk big and SAY what you want, go out and DO it. 

Only then will you accomplish anything. Only then will you become the person that YOU want to be.